
America is my country, but Paris is my home town. -Gertrude Stein

05 mai 2005

No, no, no.

From Amnesty International:

Businesswoman Huda Hafez Ahmad al-‘Azawi is believed to be held by US forces near Baghdad Airport. She has managed to send a message to her family in which she confirmed where she is being detained. There is no news regarding the reasons for her arrest and detention. Since her arrest, Huda Hafez Ahmad al-‘Azawi has not seen her family or a lawyer. At 4am on 17 February, US soldiers and members of the Iraqi National Guard forced their way into the house of Huda Hafez Ahmad al-‘Azawi, in the district of Hay al-Jami’a in Baghdad. They handcuffed and blindfolded her, and beat, handcuffed and blindfolded her two daughters, Nura aged 15 and Sarah aged 20. The soldiers reportedly took away jewelry and US$ 2,500 in cash from the house. They also allegedly raided Huda Hafez Ahmad al-‘Azawi’s office, next door to her house, taking three computers and a mobile phone. According to her daughters, the soldiers accused Huda Hafez Ahmad al-‘Azawi of “supporting the resistance”, before taking her away to an unknown location.

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