First night in Paris 14-15 janvier 2006
First things first: French keyboards are different- just different enough to make you feel drunk. They have switched the q and the a and the z and the w. They moved the m and you have to shift for a period but not for a colon. Bizarre.
I am sorry I haven't posted any pictures, but the computers here at this cafe aren't equipped for pics, so they'll have to wait. The street I am on right now (Rue de la Harpe) used to be the main north/south route through Paris when the Romans were here- now it has a 24 hr internet cafe. This fascinates me. Continuity is something we just don't have in the U.S. I didn't realize that I was so hooked on email and Sleepytime tea. I miss them- and my bathtub.
I am having a blast, though. The first night I was here I met up with some Scots and we ended up in a piano bar called Les Trois Maillets (The Three Mallets) singing 'Delta Dawn' at 4am. That bar was where the men who built Notre Dame de Paris went for happy hour. This city is amazing. I wonder if the Flying Tomato will be a pizza joint 900 years from now.
Last night I turned down an offer of hashish and a foot massage, and my feet really hurt. I can't eat a meal without some sort of offer. I'm starting a sexy waiter scrapbook. One guy looked JUST like Philippe, too, but then a lot of guys here do. It's because of the two wars wiping out all the men, I'm thinking.
What else? I bought a pair of jeans and a jacket yesterday and guess what- I wear a large here. D@mn skinny minnies.
Today I went to Sacre Coeur and did some more shopping. I have to agree with Alene, though: there really is no reason to go the the rive droite. I like it so much more over here in the Q.L. The Ile de la Cite is really about as far north as you need to go. :-)
Ah, yes, the Ile de la Cite: I visited Sainte Chapelle yesterday. I can't call it a pilgrimage because the Chappelle is no longer consecrated, but it took my breath away this time, too. I also visited the Memorial aux Deportes yesterday. First heaven, then hell.

A bientot,
I am sorry I haven't posted any pictures, but the computers here at this cafe aren't equipped for pics, so they'll have to wait. The street I am on right now (Rue de la Harpe) used to be the main north/south route through Paris when the Romans were here- now it has a 24 hr internet cafe. This fascinates me. Continuity is something we just don't have in the U.S. I didn't realize that I was so hooked on email and Sleepytime tea. I miss them- and my bathtub.
I am having a blast, though. The first night I was here I met up with some Scots and we ended up in a piano bar called Les Trois Maillets (The Three Mallets) singing 'Delta Dawn' at 4am. That bar was where the men who built Notre Dame de Paris went for happy hour. This city is amazing. I wonder if the Flying Tomato will be a pizza joint 900 years from now.
Last night I turned down an offer of hashish and a foot massage, and my feet really hurt. I can't eat a meal without some sort of offer. I'm starting a sexy waiter scrapbook. One guy looked JUST like Philippe, too, but then a lot of guys here do. It's because of the two wars wiping out all the men, I'm thinking.
What else? I bought a pair of jeans and a jacket yesterday and guess what- I wear a large here. D@mn skinny minnies.
Today I went to Sacre Coeur and did some more shopping. I have to agree with Alene, though: there really is no reason to go the the rive droite. I like it so much more over here in the Q.L. The Ile de la Cite is really about as far north as you need to go. :-)
Ah, yes, the Ile de la Cite: I visited Sainte Chapelle yesterday. I can't call it a pilgrimage because the Chappelle is no longer consecrated, but it took my breath away this time, too. I also visited the Memorial aux Deportes yesterday. First heaven, then hell.

A bientot,
About the keyboard being all scrambled, I think that's just the French being contrary. It reminds me of an old Daily Feed where they were reading emails from the spaceship behind the Hale-Bop comet. "There's no backspace key on this sturped alien keybeard."
I like the thought of drinking in a bar, that nine hundred years ago, was still a bar... That fascinates me as well. Hardly anything in the U.S. has been around more than two hundred years. And what is that? A little more than two good long life times?
And to think about Roman soldiers marching down the same street where you can now sit and browse the internet... That's kinda cool.
Keep having lots of fun!
I love you!
Wow- the Flying Tomato didn't even last two years after that posting.
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